Thursday, July 12, 2007

I bet Voldermort shops at WALMART


OCA's "Breaking the Chains" campaign has dedicated itself to reminding consumers of how Wal-Mart destroys local independent businesses, exploits workers, and undermines organic food and farming. This week, we are happy to share with you a humorous video that will appeal to all ages.. In a few weeks, the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter book series will be released, and Wal-Mart stands to sell millions of copies. But in order to drive customers into their stores, Wal-Mart is selling the books dirt cheap -- 50% below the suggested retail price. This typical Wal-Mart move to destroy its competition will likely have a devastating effect on already struggling independent book stores across the country. Watch this humorous web video and don't forget to boycott Wal-Mart and the chains.

1 comment:

KayKay said...

I am so sick of the attacks on Wal Mart. Most of us appreciate their lower prices.