Monday, October 16, 2006

Week One: Mission Completation

So My first week home with my Angels was okay. No it was better than OK. We had a great time. We kept extremely busy.
Monday: We went to Toddler Town with Heather, Wallace and Pierce.
Tuesday: We went to Lunch at Ruby Tuesdays with Miss Kim and checked out "The Little Gym".
Wednesday: We ran errands to the consignment store to drop some stuff off, to Library Story Time and to the grocery store.
Thursday: Chandler had Preschool and Gavin and I attended for about half the time and the other half he stayed by himself. That evening we attended the Dorothy the Dinosaur Show as part of Gavin's Birthday.
Friday: Chandler had Preschool and went almost the whole time by himself and Gavin and I went to his first class at the Little Gym.
Two evenings I did some CLC work with a client have breastfeeding issues after a c-section.
So it was quite a busy week. This week we are trying something a little different- I think we might try staying home more and see what happens.
My real question is when does a SAHM get a day off? Seems like my week just blended into my weekend. Hmmm... I need to talk to management about this. If I produce a happy, healthy product by week's end shouldn't I get some sort of flex time? Say on Sat. or Sunday?

On a side note, I have thought of some other things I want to blg about but shockingly haven't had the time- SO I am going to keep a list of possible interesting blog toopics- SO when I have time--- When?! I have some interesting fodder :)
Have a good one :)

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Welcome to this new chapter in your life. I wouldn't have traded it for the world. I, like Angela, am headed back into the scary world of work. Didn't they tell you in the interview that this is a 24/7 job??? Oh yeah..and that "flex time" often refers to what you do when you sit down with the checkbook or involves reaching the beloved toy from a location not thought possible! Maybe you can make a blog to create a glossary of the "new meanings" of many familiar work words!

Best wishes to all of you, it's not easy, but worth the sacrifices... the next thing you know they will be in high and middle school!